Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Science and Spirituality

Onglets principaux

Type de programme:

Connexion communautaire, Autres

Groupe d’âge:

Pour tous
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
This event is part of a series. Visit the first event in the series to register.
Il n’est plus possible de s’inscrire à cet événement.

Description du programme


Science and Spirituality investigates the links between leading edge science and the spiritual thoughts of our greatest scientists. During the program we will view four entertaining and enlightening videos that will up-date your knowledge on the cell, the brain, the mind and the soul. Your understanding of the “reality” around you will be challenged as it was for Einstein and his friends many years ago. Hear what a bunch of Nobel Prize winners had to say about the need for a Mystic Vision and witness how science is once again leading us to spirituality.

Kindly sign up with your email address or phone number for contact purposes in case there are any changes or cancellations.

Presented by David Rawnsley.

David Rawnsley







The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Cornwall Public Library. The Library does not endorse or promote any particular viewpoints expressed in this program. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Participants are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with relevant experts before making any decisions based on the content of this program.