Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Support Us


The library is a registered charitable not-for-profit organization. Donations to enhance programs and services are always welcome. Here are ways you can help your library:

Create a Legacy Donation Program

The Legacy Program ensures stability and growth of quality services and materials through planned giving. Contact the Chief Librarian for more information.

Library Angels

The Library Angels Program is a unique way to honour someone special. Books or other items may be purchased via a donation to commemorate a special person or occasion. Charitable donation tax receipts are available.

Volunteer at the library

Volunteers enhance Library services by offering special programs, facilitating projects, and serving on the library’s Board of Directors. Volunteers are also needed for our Visiting Library Service to deliver items to those who are not physically able to come to the library. Call the volunteer coordinator at 613-932-4796 for more information.