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Cornwall Public Library is in the process of creating a new strategic plan, and we need your help. As an active organization in the community, your insights are critical.
Cornwall Public Library is a registered, charitable, not-for-profit organization, governed by a nine-member board, serving the community of Cornwall since 1895. The library provides residents with access to collections, spaces and experiences to support their reading, learning and leisure needs and offers a variety of enriching services and programs for children, youth, teens, parents and educators, and seniors.
We invite you to participate in a 90-minute virtual focus group in the coming weeks. It will be an open conversation, guided by a series of questions to gather your ideas and perspectives.
Through the strategic planning process, we intend to shed light on important issues and uncover the most promising opportunities. We are exploring perceptions about how the library is doing, opportunities and gaps, and how Cornwall Public Library can better meet the needs of its stakeholders. Your input will help shape Cornwall Public Library’s new strategic directions and inform how they will look in action.
The session will be externally facilitated by Laridae to encourage open and meaningful discussion. Please join us via Zoom on one of the following dates:
- February 24, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:30pm
- March 3, 2021 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Please RSVP by clicking on the following link and filling out our registration form: https://laridaemc.com/focus-groups/cornwall-public-library-strategic-planning-focus-groups-community-partners/
If you are unable to attend, please consider taking our online survey and sharing it with your networks. A link to the survey is available on our website.
We very much look forward to hearing from you.