Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Islamic Heritage Month

Onglets principaux

Ce n'est pas un événement parrainé par la bibliothèque.

Purpose of Meeting

Islamic History Month

Islamic Heritage Month 2

Cornwall Islamic Foundation invites you to celebrate Islamic Heritage Month

Reflect Learn Celebrate

Saturday, October 29 @ Cornwall Public Library 45 Second St. East Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5V1 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm

Displays Presentations Refreshments Activities for Kids

The Muslim community has been a valued part of the Canadian mosaic for over a century and a half. Since before Confederation, their contributions have enriched all facets of our society. Islamic Heritage Month is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in our communities to reflect, celebrate and learn about these contributions.