Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Volunteers Policy

Last Updated:


Policy Title: Volunteers
Policy Category: Human Resources
Effective date: January 27, 2015, revised May 28, 2019


Volunteers can enrich library services by raising funds, promoting library services and performing tasks for the library. Cornwall Public Library values the important contribution volunteers make to the organization and provides equal opportunities without regard to race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age or disability.


  1. Volunteers shall only be used by the Library to enrich or expand library services, or to free skilled paid staff for other duties. Volunteers shall not be used to replace paid employees.
  2. All volunteer applicants must complete a Volunteer Application Form and be members of the Library in good standing.
  3. The Programs and Communications Coordinator, or designate, shall be responsible for selecting, interviewing, assigning, and terminating volunteers. Every effort will be made to match volunteer ability to the opportunity available. The Library’s overall mandate takes precedence, however, and opportunity for volunteer involvement may be limited.
  4. All volunteers will receive orientation and will be provided with the necessary training for satisfactory performance.
  5. In the event of an opening for a paid position on the Library staff, volunteers who apply for the position shall be evaluated on the same basis as all other applicants.
  6. Volunteers are responsible for their own parking fees, tickets and/or fines.
  7. Each volunteer selected to perform duties at the Library will be required to sign a volunteer agreement which includes a confidentiality clause, and will be provided with a volunteer job description.
  8. It is the Library’s policy to request * Vulnerable Sector Check performed during the past 12 months for any opportunity which requires a direct relationship between a Library volunteer and clients who may be deemed vulnerable (e.g. children or Visiting Library Service clients).
  9. Cornwall Public Library will reimburse the cost of Criminal Record Check for a volunteer if the applicant meets all the volunteer screening criteria, the Criminal Record Check is returned clear, and the individual fulfills a minimum 3 month time commitment. Proof of a clear Criminal Record Check may be required annually.
  10. Volunteers who do not adhere to the policies and procedures of the library including maintaining confidentiality, or who fail to satisfactorily meet the expectations of their volunteer assignment are subject to dismissal.

*A vulnerable sector check is a police information check plus a check to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences. Vulnerable sector checks were created in 2000 to protect children and vulnerable persons and is governed by section 6.3(3) of the Criminal Records Act.

Related Policies:

Visiting Library Service
Vulnerable Sector Check

Approved by the Cornwall Public Library Board
January 27, 2015, revised May 28, 2019

Download Policy