Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.


How to Use the Library

The Youth and Children’s Centre (YAC) is a warm and welcoming place for all members of the community. To keep your child and other children safe, we want you to be aware of some important policies as they relate to your child’s visit to the library.

Getting your first library card can be a fun and exciting way to develop skills around responsibility and independence. To get your child’s first library card the parent or guardian will need proper identification with a current address.  Children 13 and under must be accompanied by a parent when obtaining a library card.  A birth certificate can be used as proof of name for a child.

Children who attend school in Cornwall are eligible for a Cornwall Public Library Card even if they don’t reside within city limits.  The parent or guardian must provide proof that they attend school in Cornwall. A school ID or report card can be used as proof of attending school in Cornwall.

See our Request a Library Card page for more information and to submit an application.

The library’s Code of Conduct establishes the standard of behavior needed by everyone in order to create a positive library environment.

Please read the Code of Conduct. 

We love it when children visit the library. However, we are not able to look after unattended children, and cannot ensure their safety at all times.

Please help us make sure your child’s visit to the library a safe and happy one – do not leave your child alone at the library!

Please read the Unattended Children’s policy.

Computers are a core library service. Children of any age are able to use the computer.

Please read the Computer Use Policy. 

Community Resources

It takes a village to raise a child.  So that means we are lucky to partner with a number of community organizations to create the best programs possible that support your child’s learning and development.  Please find below, links to the incredible organizations that we partner with to deliver programs and services for you and your family.

Early On

Early On is a partner in Baby Tales and "Apprendre en Jouant".

Eastern Ontario Health Unit

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit is a partner in Triple P, part of our Toddler Adventures Program.

ON y va

On y va is a partner in "La lecture en famille".

Centre York Center

Centre York Centre is a Supervised Access Centre which offers families experiencing difficulties, a safe setting where visits and exchanges can take place without the children witnessing conflicts between parties.

Child and Youth Mental Health Services - CCH

Cornwall Community Hospital Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) are community-based services which provide assessment, therapy, support, counselling, group therapy and consultation for children and youth and parent education groups.

City of Cornwall Child Care Division

The department encompasses the following divisions: Child Care, Ontario Works and Social Housing. The Child Care Division plans and delivers quality child care programs and manages the Fee Subsidy Program.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national service offering bilingual (English and French) professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people.

More community resources here.