Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Internet Access Policy and Public Computer Use Policy

Last Updated:


Policy Title: Internet Access Policy and Public Computer Use
Policy Category: Service
Effective date: March 22, 2016, rev. February 27, 2018


The Cornwall Public Library Board recognizes the Internet as a resource tool which enhances access to information. The library offers public access to the Internet compatible with the Board’s endorsement of the Ontario Library Association's Statement on the Intellectual Rights of the Individual. Internet access on library computers and wireless connectivity provided by the library is available to all library users without charge.

All Internet users must abide by the terms of the Internet User Agreement. The Library cannot protect users from material that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, not age appropriate, controversial or personally offensive.

A child’s library card provides access to the Internet on library computers in the Youth and Children’s department. Parents must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet. A parent or guardian is expected to monitor and supervise the child's use of the Internet at the library in keeping with the Library's Unattended Children’s Policy.

Clicking on the User Agreement button when accessing the library’s Internet connection signifies an understanding of and willingness to comply with policies and procedures governing computer use and Internet access in the Library.

The Library retains the right to deny access to Internet stations, wireless connectivity, and library computers and /or to suspend the library privileges of anyone failing to comply with these policies and procedures. Anyone misusing or damaging library computers or using Internet access for illegal purposes will be financially liable for any damage to equipment, may have their library privileges suspended or revoked and/or be prosecuted.

Computer Use and Internet User Agreement

Given the inherent limitations of filtering software and its impact on the intellectual freedom rights of citizens, filters are not used by the Cornwall Public Library to restrict access to information on the Internet. Users should be aware that they are in a public environment.

When using the Library’s Public Access Computers the User/Signee agrees to:

  • Use computer access in an ethical manner for educational, recreational or informational purposes only:
  • Comply with time limits, and respect library staff and other computer users;
  • Print only material that is needed and pay the current printing costs.
  • The User / Signee also agree not to use the Internet in an unacceptable manner, including, but not limited to:
  • Using Internet access for illegal or unethical purposes such as fraud, harassment, libeling or slandering of others; displaying or sending child pornography, hate literature, obscene material or literature promoting illicit drug use;
  • Sending spam, computer viruses or other malicious programs, such as, spyware, adware, etc.;
  • Using Internet access to view, or capture, sexually explicit photos, videos or text;
  • Damaging or modifying the library’s computers, software or network configuration;
  • Infringing on copyright or disregarding intellectual property rights and laws.

When using the Internet the User/Signee Understands:

Use of the Internet is at her / his own risk. The Library makes no warranties with respect to Internet service or information found using the Internet. Specifically, it assumes no responsibility for:

  • Any advice or information received by the user from any source located via the Internet;
  • Any costs, liability or damages caused by the way an individual chooses to use her/his Internet access;
  • Any consequences of service interruptions;
  • Any consequences of giving out personal information over the Internet, e.g. telephone numbers, credit card information, etc.

Any information the library collects about the use of the Internet is for the purposes of statistical tracking to ensure fair and equitable access to Internet service and for compliance with legal authorities in criminal investigations.

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Library’s Internet Access Policy may result in loss of computer access and/or Library privileges. Unlawful activity may result in prosecution.


How to use the Library’s Public Access computers

  1. A computer must be reserved with the user’s own valid library card or Internet card. Sharing or using someone else’s card is not permitted. Guest cards are available for visitors requiring temporary use. Library cards and Internet use cards are available at the Membership desk.

  2. Persons 14 years of age and over must reserve a computer at the registration station on the first floor. Advance reservations are accepted for same day sessions only. Assistance is also provided at the information services desk for computer reservations.
  3. Children 13 years of age and younger must reserve a computer with the Young Adult and Children’s staff on the second floor.
  4. There is a limit of one session per person per day with the exception of the Express email computers.
  5. Computer sessions are one hour and may be extended to a maximum of two hours if the computer is available. Express email computers are available on the first floor for 15 minute sessions. Accommodation is made for accessibility needs.
  6. Printing is available at a reasonable cost. Copies must be picked up and paid for at the Information Services desk or YAC Services desk. The Library does not provide downloading or file transfer protocol (FTP) privileges for the public. Work from the word processing stations may be saved to the user’s own USB memory stick. The library is not responsible for lost or forgotten USB memory sticks.
  7. Users must have prior knowledge of word processing and basic microcomputer skills. Technical assistance with the Public Access computers is based on staff availability.

Approved: The Cornwall Public Library Board of Directors
Date: March 2016,rev. February 27, 2018.

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