Your library and CBC/Radio-Canada have partnered to offer you this one-of-a-kind portal to discover unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows, podcasts, kids content, a language learning app and much more!
Stream videos from a curated selection of educational and enriching videos on Kanopy Kids with developmentally appropriate, age-based ratings from Common Sense Media.
Votre bibliothèque et CBC/Radio-Canada collaborent pour vous offrir ce portail unique qui permet de découvrir du contenu d'ici incluant nouvelles, reportages locaux, émissions de télévision et de radio, balados, contenu pour enfants, application d’apprentissage linguistique et bien plus !
Homework Help

Canadian Reference Centre is the largest collection of regional full-text content available to Canadian schools and libraries. The database includes leading Canadian and international magazines, plus thousands of images from Canadian Press.

L'Encyclopédie Découverte offre des activités pratiques qui aideront les jeunes élèves à s'intéresser à la recherche. Une version de l'enseignant, accompagnée de sujets de discussion et d'une matrice d'évaluation, est disponible pour chaque activité.

These collections contain reference books from top educational publishers and university presses.
SIRS Discoverer is an editorially curated reference database that supports the teaching and learning of basic research skills in primary and secondary education.

Activity Corner offers thousands of activities with easy, clear instructions, photographs, illustrations, and more. Every activity also contains a list of materials for easy reference and can be printed, e-mailed, or saved in its entirety to your personal computer.

The World Book Web is a suite of online research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites. Includes: