Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Code of Conduct

Last Updated:


Policy Title: Code of Conduct (formerly Rules of Conduct)
Policy Category: Service
Effective date: revised October 23, 2018.


The library is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all. To achieve this everyone using the library must respect the rights of others to use and enjoy the library; respect library staff; respect library property; and abide by library rules.


Everyone sharing the library is expected to:

  • Ensure that children under the age of 11 are supervised and attended to.
  • Keep personal belongings safe. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Leave pets at home unless they are accredited service animals or participating in a library authorized program.
  • Use authorized exits and entrances and avoid staff-only areas.
  • Promptly leave the library at closing time.

Anyone using the library must also obey the law. It is an offense to:

  • Damage or steal library property including graffiti or vandalism.
  • Sell, use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or illegal substances.
  • Possess or conceal weapons of any kind.

Persons using the library must comply with municipal bylaws, public health codes, and the Library’s Health and Safety regulations:

  • Shoes and shirts must be worn while on library premises.
  • Smoking cigarettes, cannabis or vaping is not allowed on library property or within 9 meters of any library entrance.
  • The library is a scent reduced workplace. Ingredients or chemicals in scented products may adversely affect others. All persons using the public library are asked to refrain from wearing strong scents such as perfumes, essential oils, or other scented personal products.

Examples of behaviour not permitted on library property at any time:

  • Any disruptive behaviour that interferes with other’s use and enjoyment of the library,
  • Harassment and violence including threatening behaviours, physical violence, verbal or written abuse, and harassing language which can include comments of a derogatory nature,
  • Engaging in sexual misconduct or harassment, or viewing sexually explicit images,
  • Skateboarding, rollerblading or using any sports equipment on library property,
  • Bringing bicycles inside the library building,
  • Selling or distributing any printed, audio/visual or electronic material,
  • Photographing or recording audio and /or video without prior approval from the library,
  • Posting signs or notices without approval from the library,
  • Begging or soliciting for any purpose.

For the comfort and safety of all customers and colleagues, library staff will ensure that inappropriate behaviours are addressed. Staff has the authority to ask customers to leave the premises at any time. Violations of the Code of Conduct may also result in suspension from the library, loss of library privileges, fines for cost recovery, assistance from the police, and/or prosecution under The Criminal Code if warranted.

Approved: Cornwall Public Library Board of Directors
Date: revised October 23, 2018

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