Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Display Policy

Last Updated:


Policy Title: Display
Policy Category: Administrative
Effective Date: September 22, 2009, rev. 2012-03-27


Cornwall Public Library provides bulletin boards, display cases and pamphlet racks as a community service to fulfil its information, recreation, and educational roles. Display space is provided for posting and distributing information that promotes organizations and events in Cornwall and area. Promotional materials from non-profit organizations and institutions such as schools, service clubs, cultural or government agencies will be accepted for display.


Anyone wishing to display posters or brochures must submit them for approval to the Communications and Programs Coordinator. Only approved materials will be posted. Library staff is responsible for the placement, display and removal of approved items on the Community Bulletin Board and in the pamphlet racks.

Anyone wishing to reserve a display case must contact the Communications and Programs Coordinator. One display case is available for the work of local artists.

Individuals and groups are responsible for the delivery and pick-up of display items and are required to set up and dismantle the display. The Library Board cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to the display. Displays must be neat and attractive. The library reserves the right to alter displays for aesthetic reasons.


  1. All materials must be submitted to the Communications and Programs Coordinator, Chief Librarian, or designate for approval. The library reserves the right to decline any material at its discretion.
  2. Acceptance of materials is subject to availability of space. Preference will be given to Cornwall based agencies and non-profit organizations.
  3. The library is not responsible for the return of brochures or display materials left on its premises.
  4. Contact information other than the Library must appear on all promotional materials. Organizations may not use the name, telephone number, or address of the Library, even on a temporary basis, except for notification of location of a specific program. Promotion of events that are not sponsored by the library must not imply library sponsorship or endorsement.
  5. The following materials are NOT acceptable for posting, distribution or display:
    1. Advertising or endorsements of private or corporate business whose main purpose is profit;
    2. Materials which contravene the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and/or the Criminal Code of Canada;
    3. Materials which may be of a libellous or defamatory nature;
    4. Materials which omit essential information such as date, time, place or fee;
    5. Political posters of individual political parties or candidates;
    6. Petitions unless issued by the municipal, provincial or Federal governments;
    7. Donation boxes related to charity drives, canvassing or money raising activities with the exception of the Veteran’s Annual Poppy Drive that predates this agreement and is exempt.
  6. To ensure compliance with this Display policy, an English or French language translation must be supplied on any material that is written in a language other than English or French.

Approved by: Cornwall Public Library Board of Directors
Date: September 22, 2009, revised 2012-03-27

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