Summer Reading Club de lecture d'été

Registration for the club CLOSED on JULY 10./ Les inscriptions au club ont TERMINÉES le 10 JUILLET.

Room Rental Policy

Last Updated:


Policy Title: Room Rental
Policy Category: Administrative
Effective Date: May 26, 2009 Reviewed: March 27, 2018

Cornwall Public Library provides meeting rooms to bring together the resources of the library and the activities of the community for educational, cultural, civic, recreational and charitable purposes. The library provides a forum for the expression of diverse ideas and opinions and does not discriminate in making the rooms available based on the viewpoints or race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation or physical limitations of the users. However, use of the meeting room does not constitute endorsement of the policies and beliefs of the groups or individuals by the Cornwall Public Library Board.

  1. The Cornwall Public Library Board:
    1. will not knowingly permit any individual or group to use its facilities in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada. Federal, provincial and municipal legislation and regulations must be observed at all times.
    2. reserves the right to accept or refuse a reservation, or to cancel any booking at its discretion.
    3. will set and review rental fees.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ultimately authorizes the use of the rooms.
  3. Business services staff maintain the room booking schedule and will make every effort to notify scheduled users of the unavailability of the meeting room in case of emergency.
  4. Room bookings will be guided by the following:
    1. Library programs and library co-sponsored programs and services, meetings, and events have priority for scheduling. Other applications are then considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    2. No admission fees are charged for library or library co-sponsored programs. Membership, materials or activities fees may be collected.
    3. Meetings or events which disturb regular library functions or pose a safety risk may not be scheduled.
    4. A “Room Rental Agreement ” form must be signed and the rental fee paid to secure the booking. If the room is not paid for, the library will not make any further bookings until the account has been settled.
    5. Information about the intended use of the room, including the official name of the booking organization, a primary contact who will be present for the duration of the program, and the names and affiliations of any speakers, must be provided at the time of the booking. Evacuation of the room in an emergency is the responsibility of the primary contact.
    6. The room setup plan must be submitted with the application. The library is not responsible for providing services or equipment (i.e. computer setups) that were not requested at the time of the booking. Change requests must be made 48 hours prior to the program.
    7. The rental fee will be returned if the booking is cancelled by the individual, group or business 24 hours prior to the event.
    8. Exemptions from rental fees include library and library co-sponsored events, The City of Cornwall Human Resources, and for organizations that promote reading, writing and literacy, or provide free literacy based training.
    9. Approval from the CEO is required at the time of booking to sell goods and services.
  5. Room use will be guided by the following:
    1. all program attendees must comply with the Library’s code of conduct.
    2. damages to the meeting room, furnishings and equipment will be paid by the applicant.
    3. set up, and take down of the room will be provided by library staff.
    4. the meeting room and kitchen areas must be left in a clean and orderly condition or a penalty fee will be applied.
    5. use of materials or decorations on the walls requires prior approval.
    6. non-alcoholic refreshments and food may be served in the meeting room. There are no cooking facilities for hot food.
    7. the library does not provide advertising or promotion for nonlibrary events. Promotion of meetings and events at the library must not use the library’s contact information nor imply sponsorship or endorsement.
    8. groups must leave the library promptly at library closing time or an after-hours fee will be applied.
    9. the maximum occupancy of the meeting room shall be obeyed.
    10. all users will agree to hold the library harmless for any loss, damage, liability, costs, and /or expenses that may arise during, or to be caused in any way by such use of the library facility.
    11. In accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code, any member of the public who wishes to attend a program offered to the public must be allowed to do so.
    12. Groups must comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities Act 2005, which includes accommodating service persons or animals as required under the Act and provide qualified interpreters and / or auxiliary aids, upon request for public programs.
    13. An event that will include any form of lottery including raffles, wheels of fortune, bingos or casino gaming events requires proof of a lottery license from the Municipality or the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to be submitted to the library prior to the event.
    14. use of the room shall be subject to the supervision of the employees of the board to ensure compliance.



Free Internet access is provided in all program rooms. A network interface card or wireless access card is required on your own computer. Library Staff will provide initial instruction for the use of equipment, but will not be present to operate it for program. Arrangement for instruction must be made at the time of the room booking and prior to the program. Coffee/tea service is available for an additional $10.00

Boardroom: *Fire Code occupancy 15, board table seats 12. May be rented with or without kitchen facilities. White board, flip charts and projection equipment available.

Program Rooms 1 & 2 (combined): *Fire Code Occupancy: maximum 90 persons. Seats 75 lecture style, 50 classroom style with tables. Audiovisual and kitchen facilities available.

Program Room 1: Fire Code Occupancy: maximum 45. Seats up to 40 lecture style or 30 classroom style. Kitchen facilities available.

Program Room 2: Fire Code Occupancy: maximum 45. Seats up to 40 lecture style or 30 classroom style. Audiovisual services available.

Note: Programs 1 and 2 rented individually share a partition that is not sound proof.


Meeting Room Base rate
(3 hours or less)
Additional Hourly Rate Full day Rate
(6-8 hours)
Boardroom $25 $10 $60
Program Rm 1 $30 $10 $65
Program Rm 2 $30 $10 $65
Program Rm 1&2 $50 $10 $85
Proctoring Room*      

Proctoring Room and Examinations Policy

Approved: Cornwall Public Library Board
Date: May 26, 2009. Revised March 27, 2018

Download Policy